Not ready to rename the blog yet, but . . .

There’s more than a week left in the year, but the “year in review” posts have started on Facebook. I mentally start my own year in review process in early December when I write our family’s holiday letter. I managed to get them out on time this year with only minor glitches: my printer had a hissy fit and printed more than I needed, so if you’d like one, email me your address :-). Continue reading Not ready to rename the blog yet, but . . .

An Old Hope

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens this week. My son is now right about the age that I was when what is now called “Episode IV: A New Hope” opened in 1977. (Back then we just called it “Star Wars” and left it at that.) I was a fan, and my younger 7-year-old brother was an even bigger one, with all the action figures and play sets. We’re still fans, even in adulthood. (Somehow Facebook knows this about me, and recently suggested that I purchase a Darth Vader Hello Kitty helmet.)


Continue reading An Old Hope

The Piano

Fimnora Westclaw at the Monday Music Medicine Show asks, what incidental music from television shows or movies has captured your attention, and found its way into your hearts?

I read that question and looked up, to where I saw the electric piano in my living room.

I have had a few piano lessons in my life, but not many. I’m self-taught, which is not as hard for a violinist as it would be from scratch. Continue reading The Piano

Blogging 201: Goals

Now that I’ve been blogging for a while, I think it’s a good time to take stock and sort out what my goals are and what I want out of this blog. I am taking the Word Press Blogging U “Blogging 201” course for the next two weeks. The first assignment is to think about the following two questions and write down three concrete goals. Continue reading Blogging 201: Goals

It’s my birthday . . .

. . . and I have insomnia. Up at 4:30 am PST, I went on Facebook and Word Press and saw everyone on the U.S. East Coast starting their days.

I’m watching my friends post “Happy Birthday” to my Facebook page in real time.  That didn’t used to be unusual, but since I moved to California, I get up and I find that a lot has happened, and been posted, already. (I am resisting viewing this as starting the day “already behind”). Continue reading It’s my birthday . . .