Deer in the Backyard

Mundane Monday: Deer Family

We rounded the corner coming home from a Christmas party, getting ready to look for a geocache, and we saw a deer across the street, near the site of the cache.


As we got closer, we realized there were more deer–a total of 3, one slightly smaller than the other two–and they backed off, into the backyard of the nearby houses.

Deer in the Backyard

Following the water . . .


Deer are getting more mundane as they venture out of the forest. These are white-tailed deer, not reindeer, though, so they aren’t going to be pulling any sleighs!

For the Mundane Monday Challenge #88: finding beauty in the everyday.


9 thoughts on “Mundane Monday: Deer Family”

  1. They’re probably pretty safe there where you are, but here I almost hate this time of year because they come down out of the snow looking for something to eat and end up getting hit along the highway. It always makes me so sad. I worry that they laid there and suffered before passing. (I’ve such a softie!)

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  2. Last month we drove the winding route around out local mountain one afternoon. We saw several flocks of wild turkey and encountered about 20 deer in total. It’s nice to see four-, six- and even one set of eight-point antlers so close to suburbia in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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    1. They come down out of the Berkeley Hills too, I’m told by friends. Since moving to CA sometimes I still feel like I’m living right in the middle of a wildlife preserve. We had wildlife in Boston too (there was a moose that went viral a couple months ago, running around my old neighborhood), but this seems like more. Maybe because it’s different animals, or because you don’t seem to have to go as far to find them.

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