July #WATWB: American Heroes

We are the World LogoThe “We Are the World Blogfest,” posted on or around the last Friday of each month, seeks to promote positive news. There are many oases of love and light out there, stories that show compassion and the resilience of the human spirit. Sharing these stories increases our awareness of hope in our increasingly dark world.

I have not managed to do a #WATWB post for two months, but this month’s was easy. It is a straightforward story of 4 heroic young American men, who saved a child’s life. The story appeared in the Washington Post as “A 6-year-old was swept out to sea, and a group of brothers dove in after her.” The unfortunate girl was riding a pink flamingo raft, and no lifeguard responded to her father’s cries when he saw her being swept out to sea. The father then put on a life vest and swam out after her himself, but was not a strong enough swimmer. Four visiting American young men effected a rescue, swimming out to save the girl first, and then her father.

I rode a raft in the ocean on the Outer Banks of North Carolina when I was about 10. I was a decent swimmer for my age, but reading the story, I realized this could have happened to me. And I especially felt for the poor father, who was in danger of losing his daughter, and tried his best to go after her, but his best wasn’t good enough. If not for the heroic American tourists, the day could have ended in a double tragedy.

Every year in the summer, this message bears repeating: Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning. Familiarize yourself with water safety and with the real symptoms of drowning. My daughter saved her little brother in a pool when she was about 8 and he was about 4. I was on the other side of the pool from them, and he slipped off a ledge where he had been standing and went under. She reached down and pulled him out.

Sign up to join us and be visited on the last weekend of the month when you post your article. Click here to enter your link on this Linky Tools list. #WATWB cohosts for this month are:  Shilpa GargSimon Falk , Damyanti BiswasLizbeth Hartz and Eric Lahti. Please link to them in your WATWB posts and go say hi!

9 thoughts on “July #WATWB: American Heroes”

  1. Hi Karen – great story to be told here; it’s sad we forget so often how dangerous the seas can be (even close to the shore – they can drag us out). So glad the little one was rescued – and glad her father survived too … while those 4 men are heroes. So pleased for them all. While your snippets tell us much too and again so glad all was well – cheers Hilary

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  2. Glad to hear about these four young men who were strong swimmers. What happened to the life guard? Well, despite that the story had a happy ending. I can just imagine the poor father’s desperation.

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  3. Reminded me of a recent accident in a river near my city. The poor kid couldnt be rescued. Kudos to the 4 young men for responding promptly and saving the little girl. More power to them.

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  4. Lovely header photo! Great post about a very serious subject. In France pools have to be secured in some fashion to prevent children accidentally falling in and drowning. It has reduced but not eliminated the number of fatalities.

    Liked by 1 person

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