February #WATWB: Bicycling for the Climate

We are the World LogoI’ve written about adventure cycling for the We are the World Blogfest before, when I wrote about my friend Jasmine Reese, who is cycling across the country and around the world with her dog and her violin.

This month I want to call attention to another adventure cyclist, local resident Tim Oye, who is riding for Climate Ride, a nonprofit that organizes events to raise awareness and support for “active transportation” and environmental causes. Tim’s ride will take him through Death Valley this coming week.  Tim will also be giving a presentation at my church on Saturday night.

Environmental advocate and Sunnyvale resident, Tim Oye, is biking across the US to talk with adults and kids about Oceans, Plastic, and Climate Change. While bicycling 4500 miles from San Francisco to Boston, he will stop to give a talk about bicycling across the continent, how day-to-day human activities affect our oceans, and what we all can do to save our environment for our kids. With a degree in Chemistry from Harvard and after more than 30 years in high tech doing product development at Apple, Sun, and Adobe, Tim switched careers to pursue environmental advocacy and public service. He is a certified bicycling instructor with the League of American Bicyclists, a coach instructor for the American Youth Soccer Organization, a 4-H leader, and on the cutting edge of going zero waste.

I worked on “Anything But a Car Day” at my son’s school last year. It is an initiative to promote kids biking to school safely. My son biked to middle school. Now, in high school, he lives close enough that he can walk.


I like to bicycle and I used to ride my bike to work when I had a shorter commute, but I am not as hard-core as these adventure cyclists. We can’t all do everything but we all can do something!


The “We Are the World Blogfest” (#WATWB) shares positive news on social media. Cohosts for this month are: Inderpreet Uppal Shilpa GargSylvia McGrath , Peter Nena, and Belinda WitzenHausenPlease check out their WATWB posts and say hello!


8 thoughts on “February #WATWB: Bicycling for the Climate”

  1. Hi Karen what a great way to raise awareness about looking after our environment. Yes that bicycle post is a delight to see. I’ve decided not to get a car now I’m back – the buses work fine around town and for a bit extra I can get the odd taxi, or take a train – which I’d probably do anyway … I’d ride a bike if I was a few years younger and I’ve nowhere to put it at the moment … but thanks for your bicycling WAWTB posts – cheers Hilary

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  2. Doing something so challenging for a great cause! Climate change is such an important issue to my family and I! I applaud Jasmine and Tim for their commitment! Thank you for sharing such a fantastic story and for participating in #WATWB!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a great and inspiring post. Climate Ride is doing great awareness work, and I hope Tim is having great fun on his journey. I love the idea of the “Anything But a Car” school initiative – how wonderful if that spread extensively. While I don’t ride a bike, we don’t have a car either, so I’m comfortable with my lessened carbon footprint these days. But I’d certainly love to see more bikes in service, and I celebrate that my city has a bike-sharing program.

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