Mundane Monday: Holiday Cards

I am really in the thick of it right now. I enjoy sending and getting holiday cards, but keeping the addresses up to date, getting the right postage, the address labels, finding the cards that I bought on sale last year on December 26th and stored in the garage, and printing the newsletter and getting it and the kids’ pictures, if appropriate, into the cards is always a bit much when it is going on.

I decided that if I do a batch of around 10 a day, I will get done soon, and in a timely manner. I missed a day already. I had a concert this weekend and was very busy with that.

But there’s a decent pile there for the mailbox, and tomorrow is another day.

For the Mundane Monday Challenge #139.


7 thoughts on “Mundane Monday: Holiday Cards”

  1. I’ve stopped sending paper cards. Maybe I’m lazy, maybe it’s a sustainability thing, but when the list topped 125, I quit. I try to make videos now, but that doesn’t always work either because of time constraints. Good luck with yours!

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    1. My list stays under 100. I also send a pdf of the same newsletter by email and I think I am going to add YouTube links this year, which may make the paper version obsolete, but people of my parents’ generation still like paper cards. So I’ll probably be doing it until I get to be their age at least!

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